Secret Of happiness In Relationship 2

Awesome day to you my amazing family people. Great and wonderful day it has been over here. we thank God for our so many blessings and for your being there all the time. THANK YOU ALL FOR ALWAYS VISITING THIS BLOG, I can't do this without you all. Thank you for the comments you dropped, for the suggestion you make and for the questions you always ask. I AM GRATEFUL.

Without wasting your time I'd love to move on to our new topic for the moment. What is it that makes some people have happiness in their love life? what are they doing right? One of those things is what I am about to share with you right now.

One of the mistakes people make which lead to lack of happiness in their love life is having an UNDEFINED RELATIONSHIP.

What do I mean by undefined relationship? It's the situation where somebody thinks his or her partner is in love with them without knowing that their partner is not in any way seeing him/herself as being in a relationship not to talk of being in love with them. Therefore he/she sees a relationship with them as a game.

What inspired this topic was a conversation between two guys I heard last week. Please don't blame me for not minding my own business, I didn't pry into their conversation because I love minding my business, the reverse is the case as their conversation actually disturbed my peace where I was having a quiet reading time.

 I heard one of the guys telling the other that his girl asked him the other day of when he would make it official to their friends that both of them were dating. The guy said: this girl just doesn't know me, she wants me to be doing lovey-dovey things.  she dey ask me when I go make am official to our friends say we dey date ourselves? (she asked me when do I intend to make our relationship official to our friends)? She doesn't know I don't have time for her, she keeps following me about and me I'm just playing along by sleeping with her anytime I want. The other guy laughed and said: that's what girls don't know when they see that you are a fine boy and you have money then you should live your life for them. Don't mind her! You can Just be using her to ease your body and when she is tired she will leave you alone.

Right there I felt like weeping for such a lady because she obviously can't see or she just doesn't want to see the sleepless nights and ocean of tears from her eyes that await her. This condition is actually not particular to any gender at all, it could be a man or woman who is in this situation. but my question is; is it worth it to invest your life in something where you don't know what is coming out of it? wasting so many hours and days of your life thinking you have future with somebody only to find out that there's nothing like that in the book of the other person?

It's not bad to ask a question before you go into a relationship with someone. questions like why do they want to date you? What is their goal or what they hope to make out of the relationship with you? do they want friendship or commitment? is a marriage on their card concerning their proposed relationship with you? After all these questions have been asked then you should take your time to find out if their way of life or things they do is in line with answers they provided to you.

Don't throw your life and everything at somebody without knowing it's the same on the part of the other person. There can never be happiness in a relationship where you are the only person in love with yourself  thinking the other person loves you.

You should be sure the other person is genuinely interested in an honest relationship with you, that this person isn't coming to use you as a card to play game.

If you want happiness in your relationship please MAKE SURE IT IS DEFINED BEFORE YOU START SO THAT YOU'RE SURE OF WHAT YOU ARE DOING. You can't be investing in a business you have no idea of what to expect. A good business man does his home work to determine amount of profit he is likely to make from a deal. If you're truly with someone who loves you and wants you it would be easier to work together and overcome any challenge that comes your way. 

It is true because challenges will come, but when they do you can't overcome it if you're alone in that relationship. Relationship shouldn't be a game if your life is truly important to you, don't be impulsive when making decision that has to do with your love life. Think before you go into it and not go into it before you think.

warning: please don't date with your eyes closed; open your eyes and ask the right questions before you commit your life to somebody. DON'T DATE SOMEONE WHO IS NOT PROUD OF SHOWING YOU OFF TO THE WORLD. IF YOU ARE THE ONE THEY WANT THEN THEY SHOULD MAKE THE WORLD SEE IT THAT YOU ARE THEIR WORLD. 


Kindly drop any comment, question, feedback or contribution you have.

Thanks and God bless.

Adebiyi Abraham.


  1. I enjoyed reading this. Its educational and honestly its what most of us have gone through in life. I can say I've passed this phase in my life and I can only thank God that the struggle has ended. Nonetheless this really opens my eyes about where I am today and I'm surely blessed. Lovely!

    1. I am so happy God made you a winner in life. some things should not be happening in life unfortunately they do. Thank you so much for sharing your opinion, God bless you.

  2. It’s important for people to have clear expectations about their relationships.


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